
I'm web developer with more that 10 years of experience. I'm using well known trade tools for it: HTML, JS, CSS, PHP, MySQL. Recently I've implemented Algolia indexing / search system and NoSQL database - MongodDB. I like to implement and use Wordpress as content managements system.

My projects

Since I started my professional career as web developer I was also involved in number of freelance projects to keep my busy and on the top of the game.



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Web Design
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SEO Analisys
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Meet the people that are going to take your business to the next level.
Mark Lawrance
Mark Lawrance

Web Designer

Creative, detail-oriented, always focused.

Jane Stenton
Jane Stenton

SEO Specialist

Curious, tech-geeck and gets serious when it comes to work.

John Smith
John Smith


Enthusiastic, passionate with great sense of humor.

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Customer Support
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